Apply Online for a VA Buydown Mortgage

We offer VA Interest Rate Buydown Loans. With today’s recent increased rates this is a phenomenal solution to have a lower interest rate at the beginning of the loan term and be able to ease into today’s market rates.

We offer the following VA Buydown loans:

  • 3/2/1 VA Buydown
  • 2/1/0 VA Buydown
  • 1/1/1 VA Buydown
  • 1.5/.5/0 VA Buydown
  • 1/0/0 VA Buydown

This is a great solution to combat a higher interest rate at the beginning of your mortgage term.

What this loan does is it gives you a lower interest rate in the first, second, and/or third year of your loan depending on which VA Buydown you choose. You are able to refinance at any time with no prepayment penalty. This is not an ARM mortgage. This is a 30 year fixed mortgage.

I will give you all your options, explain the loan program in detail and give you detailed estimates so you know how to structure your offer when you find a home.

Our online application is hosted separately on our corporate website where it is secure and encrypted. When you click the link below a new window will open taking you directly to the application.

Apply Online

If you just have a few questions right now and would like to speak with a VA Home Loan specialist, fill out the short form to the right and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

Florida VA Loan Specialist: Shirley Mueller

VA Loan Specialist Shirley Mueller

Working as a loan originator since 2003, Shirley has helped over 2000 Veterans with VA Home Loans. She has helped Veterans in almost every situation, including deployed personnel returning home or those with PCS orders. Shirley also helps disabled Veterans who...


  • Pre-Qualifications are Always Offered with No Obligation

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